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Back to school after 40 years
Posted on Monday, May 23, 2011 by admin
By Doug Setter
Doug Setter
Level: Platinum
Doug is born with a club foot and hampered on until corrective shoes restated its approach. As a child, he was often ill. He...
You often hear "you can teach an old dog faces." In addition, humans are not dogs and education is not a bunch of stuff. If you are more than 40 years, you can always take higher education. Need just a little more planning. While joking us lose memory and alertness during the middle ages, you do not have to accept. If your mental capacity is slippery after forty, it's time for an audit of the way of life.
At the age of 39 years I found myself penniless and with few options. Despite to leave secondary school with an average of C + (and a few years of College), I decided to pursue a Bachelor's degree. A thing that discourages me a little was the speed at which younger students could learn. Given that most of them was hitches and supported by MOM and dad hotel, their levels of stress was below mine. A few things I learned in a hurry:
STRESS interferes not only study, but it kills brain cells. After a financial crisis and the breakdown of the relationship while attending the school, I had found the stress so overwhelming that I could not think right. This has continued up to what I have reduced my load of study. Therefore, my marks and disposition improved and I was happy for her. I found that it was not a big problem, if I completed my degree in six months later. I also worked evenings as a fitness instructor, so I had an avenue for the management of stress. However, sometimes fatigue may study more difficult.Time management. I studied 15 minutes each way on the bus ride to school, 30 minutes in the evening and everywhere I could adapt it. I disciplined myself to study before reading fiction and watching television (eg.) (The Simpsons). When I went more for the summer, work a sergeant in the army of reserve, I'd take a distance education or correspondence courses.
Sleep and rest. It never seems enough time to sleep and rest when you are a student and support you. But, when I discovered my exhausted sleep, so have my marks. You need to rest and sleep. Sometimes I've exchanged a few part-time work to study and sleep. I had less money, but successful my courses. Is not a course will cost you more in the long term.
Feed your brain. Sure you can live on coffee and doughnuts in the short term, but you can burn in the long term. The brain requires nutrition. With semiregular meal, I completed my diet with nerve and brain building nutrients such as b vitamins, calcium and proteins, and herbs such as Gotu Kola, Ginko Biloba and St. John's wort. I found these cheap enough herbs. For the preparation, I would make a pot of tea and keep the solution in the refrigerator for use throughout the week.
Finally, I used my old environment of maturity to my advantage. The young comrades tended to late evening and parties and "forced out" on such issues as relations. After having been through all this, I have been immunized against these problems. In many respects, be age has its advantages.
Doug Setter holds a Bachelor's degree in food and Nutrition. He served as a paratrooper and peacekeeper of the United Nations, completed 5 complete marathons and climb of Mount Rainier. He has held a kick-boxing world weight welterweight title at the age of 40 years. He consults with clients in the reduction of the alcohol, flattening the stomach, kick-boxing and nutrition. He is the author of the flattening of the stomach, reducing your craving for alcohol and a less victims. Visit his Web site: http://www.2ndwindbodyscience.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Doug_Setter

Submitted the: May 13, 2011

Category Article after, school, years
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