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Fish oils and healthy aging
Posted on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 by admin
The researchers found that fish oils promote healthy aging and longevity. The components of fish oil in order to free radicals of counter, which cause damage to cells of the body that you advance with age. Fish oils are rich sources of Omega-3, extending the life expectancy of the cells of the body. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, trout and herring contain omega-3. Oil is generally extracted from fish to take Omega-3 dietary supplements.
Omega-3 is vital in slowing damage in Telomeres, small capitalization at the end of chromosomes that are struggling against the aging process. The young and the healthy have more Telomeres, shorten with the passage of time, making the body vulnerable to age related diseases. Shortened Telomeres trigger diseases caused by age and define the limits of the human life expectancy.
Rheumatoid arthritis symptom relief
Omega-3 also reduces the risk of chronic inflammation that starts which is rampant in most parts of the body with advancing age. This can go very far in the prevention of stroke and rheumatoid arthritis. The patients who consume fish on a regular basis have reported a decrease joint tenderness and morning stiffness that they had achieved remarkable. However, you must remember that fish oil is not acting as a pain killer, but only reduces symptoms.
Advantages of oily fish in cardiac diseases
Even if it is known that fish eaters consume more cholesterol than non-fish eaters, research shows that the frequency of fatal heart disease among them is less. Intake of fish oil helps reduce the workload of the heart which must deal with on a daily basis.
Omega-3 also helps maintain normal blood pressure, which also contributes to the stabilization of the condition of the heart. Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids has even reduced the tendency of blood to clot (also known as the thrombosis).
For the best view fish oil
Anti-aging of fish oil benefits include prevention of macular degeneration that occurs with age. Omega-3 fatty acids provide healthy blood circulation in the retina, maintenance of the force of blood vessels around the eye.
The fight against Keratosis
Fish eaters are also less likely to develop Keratosis or wart skin spots, which appear as you get older. Keratosis may also occur with constant exposure of skin to the Sun. Fish rich in omega-3 consumption is vital for people who have Keratosis, to prevent stains from spreading. Keratosis is a condition that could often make a skin cancer.
Prevention of Alzheimer's disease
Regular consumption of Omega-3 goes very far in preventing age-related cognitive decline. Fish oil is also an important source of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), which reduces the risk of neo-vascular age related muscle degeneration. Experiences are proved fish eaters are still less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.
Assist in the prevention of mental disorders
Fish oil supplements to prevent mental illness such as schizophrenia, depression, disorder bipolar etc. Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids promotes the functioning of the dopamine and serotonin, thus preventing the degeneration of the brain signalling system. When combined with the specific drug therapy, the correct dose of fish oil with high in omega-3 fatty acids to regulate mood swings in patients with mental disorders.
Teisha Mahabir specializes in writing articles on health, nutrition, longevity and specialists of health as Brenda Rusnak.
Brenda Rusnak is a health specialist who writes on the ageing of the health and prevention. For more information on aging in health and Brenda rusnak, discover her at brendarusnak.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teisha_Mahabir

Category Article aging, healthy
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