How to improve the appearance of your skin - not only for sensitive skin

Make a habit of eating green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, the Lamb's lettuce, collard green leafy. They are full of vitamin e. Preliminary studies suggest that vitamin e has antioxidant capabilities. This means that the vitamin plays a role in skin anti-ageing.

To help keep the skin young research the cosmetics industry uses vitamin e as a popular additive, particularly in lotions.

Other sources of antioxidants are also useful to neutralize free radicals before they can accumulate in the skin. So, all popular rich in dietary antioxidants - black and green tea, herbs and spices, red wine, fruits and vegetables - can help improve your skin's appearance.

Diets rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grain support healthier and younger skin. If you want to do even more, try to include zinc, silica and Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.

Silica is a trace mineral. It is important because it helps support connective tissues in your body, including those responsible for the skin elastic and flexible. Zinc is good for the regulation of oil production in the skin. And Omega-3 fatty acids help the body to repair his skin as well as to contribute to the moisture of the skin.

Our skin is composed primarily of collagen, which is a protein. Collagen holds your skin cells together and prevents it from collapse. Mainly of collagen gets approached by free radicals. When free radicals accumulate in the skin, they can injure collagen and make the skin appear much older than she actually is.

As we age the ability of our skin to develop collagen decreases.

It is a good idea to avoid the daily stress, to prevent skin problems. Hormones released during intense stress can trigger rashes and inflammation. Stress management and engaging in brilliant activities stress such as exercise or meditation can encourage the skin supple and healthy.

Also to help keep your soft skin is to drink more water. This is valid during the summer and winter. In the summer, that you need more water the heat causes the us sweat. But drinking sufficient water in the winter is too important. The fresh water will keep your internal system of filtering works properly and help maintain a rich glowing skin.

When cleaning your skin dry and cold months, be particularly sweet. After washing, pat your skin dry gently and apply body lotion to all areas of dry and sensitive skin. Use a mild soap. It might be good for your skin not to wash that often during the winter.

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